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Welcome to the G FUEL Creator Community

Welcome to the G FUEL Creator Community

Powered by Kale, where creators earn rewards for talking about their favorite brands.

By signing up you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.

Post about your favorite brands.

Kale connects brands to their social-savvy superfans. Brands are tired of working with big influencers who post promotional, inauthentic content.

They would much rather reward a real customer's content, like you.

Free People
Beyond Meat
Three Wishes



Don't change a thing about how and where you spend your money. Keep supporting your favorite brands.

Our algorithm matches you with brands you buy from and are relevant to your social persona. We care about authenticity as much as you do.



On your own terms, in your own style. Just mention the brand on Instagram or TikTok when you're using their products. After 24 hours, get paid!

What our creators are saying about Kale.

Security you can trust.

We use bank-level security to keep your data private. We protect your privacy. We never spam you.

Your credit card is linked through the secure financial tech company, Plaid, which is used for Venmo, American Express, and many other reputable financial institutions.

Our investors.

In the press.